How to ensure strikes don’t disrupt your viewing trip this year

How to ensure strikes don’t disrupt your viewing trip this year

Are you ready to make the dream of living overseas a reality? The first step to buying a home in Spain is flying out there to view properties you may be interested in. Planning is essential, especially where travel is involved – you don’t want anything ruining or delaying your trip. 
Summer sounds: the best music festivals in Spain

Summer sounds: the best music festivals in Spain

It is hot. Hotter than usual and for longer. The good news is that as the month continues, it will become cooler and more comfortable. The south of the country has seen record breaking temperatures, but even here in the northeast, it has been uncomfortably hot at times, especially at night.
Cutting down on food waste in Spain

Cutting down on food waste in Spain

Last month, the Spanish government introduced a new draft law to tackle food waste in the country. The shocking fact that Spain wastes 1.36 million tonnes of edibles and drinks each year has triggered a rethink of what to do with unwanted foodstuffs. Spain’s neighbour, France, began to deal with the problem back in 2016 when supermarkets and other large food outlets were banned from throwing away food and instead donated it to charities.
Labour shortage opens doors for non-EU citizens

Labour shortage opens doors for non-EU citizens

It is not only the UK that is suffering from a labour shortage. Spain too needs more workers, and last month the Security and Migration minister, Jose Luis Escriva, announced that requirements and rules for work permits will be eased.

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