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Read the latest property news from all around the world from our expert writers located all over the world. Get the latest on buying, travel, emigration, retirement and much more. Whether you are buying a sunny property to spend your summers, or making a big move abroad you will find everything you need to know here.


Why are there farmer protests in France?

Why are there farmer protests in France?

Protests in France, as we all know, are not uncommon. It is perhaps one of the things that we give the country the most credit for. Unlike other countries, groups of people who feel aggrieved do not take things lying down. Whether their efforts eventually end with change or not. Striking and protesting appear to be part of the French psyche.

How to secure a home loan in Florida

There’s no denying the strong dollar is a blow for Brits buying in Florida right now. But if you’re keen to press ahead with your plans – and benefit from the Sunshine State’s world-famous tourist attractions and year-round rental market – then one way to soften the effects of the exchange rate is to purchase with a mortgage. Buying from a British owner could also help your case. We take a closer look and highlight some pointers for helping you to secure a home loan.

How did France mourn the Queen’s death?

A large numbers of expats move to France every year and having permanently made France my home, I can confirm we are both welcomed and accepted. But sometimes, things happen back in the country we used to call home, acting as a stark reminder that we originate from elsewhere. And this week, British expats have been affected by the sad news of the death of the Queen.

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