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Read the latest property news from all around the world from our expert writers located all over the world. Get the latest on buying, travel, emigration, retirement and much more. Whether you are buying a sunny property to spend your summers, or making a big move abroad you will find everything you need to know here.


Where to buy in Australia for the best wellbeing

Where to buy in Australia for the best wellbeing

For many, a move to Australia is motivated by the allure of a life in the sunshine: long days out on a bicycle, beach picnics, family-friendly neighbourhoods and a good dose of Aussie charm. While most of the country does indeed offer a high quality of life, we’re digging into the results of a new report to discover the areas ranked as best for wellbeing. 

Your wild (and sometimes furry) neighbours in rural France

Moving to France, to rural areas in particular, brings many of us closer to wildlife and nature than probably ever before. Some encounters may be welcome, others not so much. But there are some important things to know when relocating to France. Especially during Spring, one of the most beautiful times of the year, as well as an important time for the wildlife here.

Greece’s Marine Parks and where to buy a home nearby

In Greece two out of three people live less than a 20-minute walk from the beach. So no wonder the Greek government takes the quality of their seawater seriously (unlike some governments we could mention…). This week Greece imposed strict new marine wildlife protection measures and announced two new “marine parks”. See what it means for you, and where you can buy a home by a Marine Park.

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