The lure of France for artists

The lure of France for artists

France has for hundreds of years been a country to which so many artists have moved. Many have felt that only here can they truly indulge their artistic tendencies, become inspired to create works which they may never have dreamed of in their home countries. They also find they live a more uncomplicated life perhaps than they had done before. People from all over the world still seem to be lured by the beauty of France. No surprise with our stunning countryside, the golden light, the ancient buildings, the rugged coastlines.
Why France remains top for lifestyle

Why France remains top for lifestyle

Sometimes it’s easy to forget, when you’re busy researching Brexit rules or running around trying to organise estate agents and viewing trips, exactly why France is regarded by all right-thinking people as the nicest place in the world to live. So we thought we’d give you a quick reminder!
Getting into the festive spirit, French style

Getting into the festive spirit, French style

Christmas – a magical time of celebration, delicious food and spending time with friends and family.  If you’re preparing for your first Christmas in France, congratulations and here’s what to expect…
What does France celebrate and how?

What does France celebrate and how?

Find homes in France via our property portal. It’s the beginning of festival time in the UK, with Halloween, then Guy Fawkes Night, all leading towards Christmas and the New Year. If you’re moving to France, don’t worry, you won’t miss out – France has even more parties and festivals to get involved in, and plenty of fireworks!  
How to make your weekly shop go further

How to make your weekly shop go further

Find homes in France via our property portal. Where are the best bargains to be had in France? It used to be the village market and that’s still where you will find the best local produce. But France’s supermarkets are pretty good too.  

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