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Read the latest property news from all around the world from our expert writers located all over the world. Get the latest on buying, travel, emigration, retirement and much more. Whether you are buying a sunny property to spend your summers, or making a big move abroad you will find everything you need to know here.


Excitement is in the air for Paris 2024

With the promise of ‘an Olympic ceremony like no other’, many are already excitedly counting down until Paris 2024. It will start on July 26th and finish on August 11th. Remembering the buzz of the Olympics in 2012, we’re watching with bated breath to see just what Paris 2024 has in store. Find out about new venues, the opening ceremony that you can attend for free, and how the Olympics could have a lasting impact on the property landscape in Paris.  

Where in France has good health coverage?

Overall, the French healthcare system is efficient and effective. However, in some areas, there are not enough doctors. We look at the impact that this has had on French healthcare and the solutions the government are proposing. Furthermore, we offer tips for navigating French healthcare, especially if you are in an area that is low on doctors. 

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