Articles in Usa by Amy Baker

How to do the Super Bowl like an American

How to do the Super Bowl like an American

Find homes in the USA via our property portal. In terms of sporting fixtures, they don’t come much bigger than the annual Super Bowl, pinnacle of the American Football League. Just why do Americans get so excited about the event?  
OMG! Your essential guide to American gossip

OMG! Your essential guide to American gossip

When you get to the US and are sitting in that coffee shop with your new co-workers, or chatting away with the hairdresser, you won’t want to feel left out will you? So let us introduce you to the people you’ll be gossiping about! America is the land of celebrity. There are Hollywood starlets, rappers, sports personalities, supermodels, musicians, soap stars and, this week above all, politicians and their husbands, wives, families and sons-in-law! Here are the names you need to know…
How to get healthcare in the USA

How to get healthcare in the USA

You’ve followed the Obamacare drama on the news for the past decade and watched hospital dramas from ER and House to Doogie Howser MD. You probably know American hospitals better than your own. But what happens if you suddenly find it’s you on the gurney? We’re looking at American healthcare, how you get it and what it costs.
Your 10 steps to a Disneyworld home in 2017

Your 10 steps to a Disneyworld home in 2017

Find homes in the USA via our property portal. Want to buy a home near Disneyworld Florida but worried it’s all too complicated? Don’t worry, it’s child’s play with our ten-step plan.  
5 steps to renting out your Florida property

5 steps to renting out your Florida property

If you’re planning on renting out your holiday home in Florida, you’ll need to take the right steps to protect your investment. Here are our 5 steps to renting out your American property.

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