Can you work remotely – and efficiently – from Italy’s countryside?

Can you work remotely – and efficiently – from Italy’s countryside?

Can you work online from the Italian countryside? Over the past year many of us have adapted to working from home, with varying degrees of success! The growth in smart working has had two interesting effects. Firstly, it has increased the demand for homes out of the city, with space to work and enjoy a healthy outdoor lifestyle. Secondly, it has led many of us to rethink our plans for moving abroad. After all, why shouldn’t “home” be in the Italian countryside? For the second point, please refer to our visa and residency pages. Essentially, you can stay in the European Union
A place with the view of the Italian mountains

A place with the view of the Italian mountains

When your home has a view of snow-capped mountains, it adds a touch of magic to the winter season. Throughout the year mountain areas provide a great place to get out into the fresh air and be surrounded by nature and stunning scenery.
Italy travel and quarantine update

Italy travel and quarantine update

If you’re planning to travel to Italy, it can be difficult keeping up to date with new restrictions and current travel advice. Here we outline some of the recent changes, including useful links to Government webpages, to enable you to access official updated information.
Have a safe trip to Italy

Have a safe trip to Italy

Many people are waiting for the green light to travel to Italy. They want to know who can enter, and if it’s safe to go to Italy right now. 
Italy begins long road back to normality

Italy begins long road back to normality

Italy was the first European country into lockdown and is only now beginning to emerge, still with more restrictions than most. Property is one business already coming back to life, however.

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