Arty, alternative, boho Portugal

If you enjoy a bohemian lifestyle, you can definitely find it in Portugal. This article introduces three locations that fit the bill.

Greek culture and customs

When you begin living in Greece there can be a culture shock. Don’t worry, the Greeks are an understanding sort of people and they will be keen to put you at your ease. Here is a brief guide to etiquette.

The cost of living in Canada

If you’re heading to Canada, what will you pay for a loaf of bread, an iPad, a one-way ticket across Vancouver? We sent our Canadian writer out to the shops.

Majorca, Home to Celebrity

Summer is over, so where did royals, celebrities and top sports people spend their holidays? Plenty of A-listers chose to relax on the classy Balearic island, Majorca, and some were so taken with its sun-drenched shores they purchased property here.

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