Buying in Italy, Part Five: Making an Offer

We’re now onto Part Five of our six-part Guide to Buying in Italy, and that means one of the most exciting steps – putting in an offer. You’ve narrowed down your options to your perfect property and you know how you’re going to pay for it, but you need to make sure you’re up on your negotiating skills if you want it go smoothly from here on. Find out how with these seven top tips for making an offer on a house in Italy.

Free homes! Why a Spanish property will save you money

As they say in Europe these days, you can’t have your cake and eat it. Or can you? Buy a home in Spain and your money will be safe in bricks and mortar earning you capital growth or rental while you’re enjoying “free” holidays. Here are a few more ways your Spanish home will be paying for itself while you’re enjoying it.

Your handy guide to local taxes in the USA

Tax is a complicated business no matter where you decide to park yourself in the world. However, when you buy overseas, it’s vital to understand how your tax situation will be affected. For those hoping to buy property in the USA, getting your head around the system might take a head scratching. In America, tax is imposed at a federal, state AND a local government level. Yes – this means that you can be taxed by all three at once! Additionally, the US is one of only two countries in the world to tax non-resident citizens on their worldwide income, although they do offer a tax credit for foreig

Buying in Italy, Part Four: How To Buy

In Part Four of Buying in Italy, we’re looking at how to buy in Italy. You’ll find out the key players to involve, plus what to consider on the financial side. This can seem complicated, but, with a clear understanding of the process in your head, it should all go smoothly.
This Christmas, plan your move abroad in 2019!

This Christmas, plan your move abroad in 2019!

If your New Year’s Resolution is to buy a home in the sun in 2019, or even to move abroad entirely, don’t wait until after Christmas. This is the perfect time to start your serious planning. Why not get the extended family involved too? Read our checklist for making 2019 your best year ever!

What are the rules on rentals in Spain?

It is only comparatively recently that the various Spanish Autonomous Regions have introduced tight rules for rentals, especially holiday rentals. It was necessary to ensure the high standard now expected by tourists. Many places which were advertised had no basic amenities such as air conditioning or ceiling fans. Some had no natural light in bedrooms and fell below the expected safety criteria. Today, we explore the major rules for rentals in Spain.

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