Five simple steps to international property investment

Five simple steps to international property investment

With the British property market suffering while overseas prices soar, many of us are contemplating our first overseas property investment. But how do you keep your money safe, and where do you start! With our guide, of course, to your first five steps.

The complete and utter joy of winter in Spain

The days are longer, the sun still shines and the weather is mild. Winter is when the advantages of your new life in Spain really shine through. So don’t sit and hibernate through the British winter, move to Spain and try out these ideas.

Making friends in Australia is easy

If you’ve got an internet connection, an interest in sports or have children, meeting friends in Australia is easy. If none of those apply, just throw a barbecue and the locals will turn up!

Cyprus property market end of year review

“Book a viewing trip to Cyprus” will be at the top of your list of New Year’s resolutions once you’ve read our 2017 review of the residential property market there. Rising property prices, increased rental values, golden visa schemes… book those flights now!

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