Written by Christopher Nye,
Last Modified: 16th October 2019

We have updated our Privacy Policy because of the new regulatory changes to protect your data, known as GDPR. For a business like ours, little is changing. You don’t need to do anything to continue receiving helpful information from us.

We believe we are contacting you on a legitimate interest basis, because you requested information prepared by us to help you make your overseas property purchase safe and enjoyable. This means that we are supplying you with up-to-date market information, featured case studies, helpful tips, releases of new helpful guides, including events and activities, property promotions and offers as well as key events in the country where you are looking to buy.

We may mention partner organisations if they are collaborating with us or sponsoring events and similar activities, or to tell you about what’s going on in the overseas destinations or if there is a property focused event near you. We won’t share your data with third parties for marketing purposes, so you won’t receive emails from them unless you have given us specific consent to do so.

If you find our educational content, newsletters and property selections helpful, then you don’t need to do anything – we will continue to keep in contact with you. Please take some time to read our updated Privacy Policy which explains what data we collect, why we collect it, how we use it and other information relevant to the privacy of your data.

If you no longer wish to hear from us then you can unsubscribe at any time or manage your email preferences from the bottom of each of the emails we send to you. This gives you control over the types of content you would like to receive, dependent on how much help and information you require from us.

If you change your mind about hearing from us at any time, the unsubscribe and preference management like are in the footer of every email we send you, or you can email [email protected].

Please note that Property Guides and Your Overseas Home are both part of The Overseas Guides Company Limited.

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