5 Greek islands with a buzz all year-round

Many of us first fall in love with the Greek islands on our summer holidays, but the smaller tourist islands do often close down in winter. So if you’re looking for somewhere with that year-round buzz, where are the best places to start?

Where is the best weather in Italy?

Many of us love Italy for its warm Mediterranean climate and seemingly endless summers. But there are wide variations between regions, so which part of Italy offers the most sunshine and the least rain?

Become resident in Italy in 2020

With Brexit “done”, British people planning a move to Italy have until the end of the year to ensure a hassle-free move or retirement there. Here is what you need to do to be a legal resident in Italy.
Your 7 steps to owning abroad by summer

Your 7 steps to owning abroad by summer

2020 is marching along but there’s time to buy a home abroad before the early summer (and maybe keep your EU rights within the transition period too). Here’s your seven-step guide to getting it done!

5 top tips for negotiating bureaucracy in Portugal

Portugal is a fabulous place to live, but the bureaucracy can take a little bit of getting used to. Understanding the culture and having the right mindset makes a big difference – here’s what to know.

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