How Spain is crafting a greener future

Could Spain take a leaf out of France’s book and put an end to short-haul flights? What other initiatives is Spain thinking up for a greener future? Our resident writer, Sally, takes a look.

5 French locations with great autumnal appeal

Here is a list of five French locations that bask gorgeous autumnal glow. From Nice with its extended summers to Limoux with its fall foliage and grape-picking, discover the perfect one for you.

Why you will love a home in Connemara

Looking for a home somewhere picturesque and rustic? Somewhere that promises refreshing early morning walks followed by delicious smoked fish for breakfast?  

Our easy to read guide to the Rugby World Cup

One way to immerse yourself in French life is to show an interest in one of the nation’s favourite sport – rugby! With the Rugby World Cup here, we delve into the best stadiums to enjoy the sport.

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