Ben Taylor

Ben Taylor moved to Portugal with his wife in 2009, after falling in love with the Algarve several years before. He launched a blog, movingtoportugal, to document his experiences, which gained unexpected momentum and evolved into the popular “Moving to Portugal” book.   Ben has written about Portugal for several outlets, including A Place in the Sun, and That particular job was particularly inspiring as it involved documenting train journeys across the country! Ben is also a keen foodie, and has reviewed restaurants for local magazines and websites.   Ben currently lives in south east England with his wife and two young sons, but retains close ties to Portugal, with several family members located in the East Algarve. In 2017 he founded, an advice site for aspiring home workers, after learning all about the world of home working from making a freelance living from Portugal. His advice on freelancing and remote working has appeared in many well-known publications, including The Huffington Post, Metro, USA Today and Business Insider.

Articles by Ben Taylor

Could blogging finance your new life abroad?

Could blogging finance your new life abroad?

How many of us would love to move abroad, but lack the language skills to get a job locally? Or are past the first flush of youth and worry that overseas employees will pass us by? Our expat blogger Ben Taylor explains that if you’re creative, businesslike and have something interesting to say about living abroad, you can bypass the local jobs market. 

Your guide to gardening in Portugal

Life in Portugal is very much one lived outdoors. Most people who move here permanently or buy a holiday home look forward to long warm summers, year-round sun, low levels of precipitation and the opportunity this brings to spend far more time outside than back home. This often includes continuing their passion for that Great British pastime, pottering in the gardening.

Top tips for learning Portuguese

British expats in Portugal who are completely fluent in Portuguese are rather thin on the ground. Portuguese is a tricky language, and friendly locals who are willing to speak English (especially in the Algarve) can reduce the need and motivation to learn the lingo.

5 reasons to love Portugal in spring

Even though Portugal is blessed with hundreds of days of annual sunshine, the seasons are still distinct. Spring in particular is a great time to take a viewing trip here, when temperatures are still comfortable, the summer crowds are yet to arrive and the countryside is in bloom.

Central Portugal: rural living at its best

You’d be forgiven for associating Portugal with sun, sea, sand, golf courses and tourist resorts. Yet for many expats, the Portugal they know and love is a world away from the source of these stereotypes, the Algarve. The peaceful mountainous landscapes of central Portugal are a world away from the bright lights and relentless energy found in the south.

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